Bubble dress

This little girl looks so happy got a new dress. I bought this patter with a superb sale, only $1,5. Wow..!!
It's from Fresh Stitch Pattern called wattle brush dress. Too bad i wasn't able to join the #pdflove. Different time between here and europe keep make me forget the time limit :D

Can't wait to make with another fabric. Let's go to the fabric store honey :)

Evelyn by Swoon

Finally,  finished this bag. Use a lot fabrics that i thoughts and more patience.  Hahaha.
But i like it,  want to make a bigger bag and longger stripe for me.
Now I'm ready to try another great  patterns from swoon. 

Sew along Bazinga backpack

Perfect backpack for Fathih. Wanna make another for him with his favorite fabric later.

Lill adventure backpack by Peek a Boo

Sukaaa tas ini.. simple tapi menawan. Halahh..
Next kantong depannya mesti pake motif juga ini biar gak flat banged, dan bagian bodynya harus diusahakan nggak terlalu tebal.

My Blanche Bag by Swoon

No word needed to show how i feel.
Happy.. a lot of advanced sewer like my first swoon bag.

Kue laba-laba

Ini ke 3x nya buru2 pulang sekolah sambil laporan.
"Bundaa,  mau kue laba-labaaaa. Teman2 semua jajan itu."
Perjanjiannya uang jajan nggak boleh buat beli makanan apapun disekolah,  makanya sampe rumah langsung brisik minta dibuatkan. 
Akhirnya tadi di bikinkan. Adonannya roti jala versi manis. Tapi nggak boleh dilipat rapi2. Maunya awut2an begini.
Katanya, enaaakkkkk.
Oalah nak, kan enakan pancake daripada beginian.
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